Categorized | Love Your Pets

Concerned About Your Pet’s Bad Breath? You Should Be …

Fresh breath and a healthy smile are important to you. But what about your pet?

Oxyfresh pet dental products are formulated with our exclusive odor-fighting ingredient Oxygene® to freshen breath and reduce plaque and tartar formation that can lead to periodontal disease. An alarming 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of periodontal disease by age three. Called the “Silent Killer of Pets,” this condition can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and infect the heart, liver and kidneys — shortening your pet’s life by up to five years!

The good news is, you can prevent periodontal disease while promoting fresh breath for your pets with this simple two-step program:

STEP 1 — Just add water!
Add one teaspoon of Oxyfresh Pet Oral Hygiene Solution to one quart of drinking water and pour into your pet’s drinking bowl; freshen daily. You can also use a sprayer bottle to mist the same solution into your pet’s mouth twice daily. Pet Oral Hygiene Solution is tasteless and odorless so your pet will readily drink it — and it’s 60 percent as effective as brushing! In three to five days, you will notice an obvious improvement in your pet’s breath as Oxygene® goes to work, destroying bacteria and breaking down sulfur compounds that cause bad breath. This reduces the amount of plaque and tartar that can lead to periodontal disease.

STEP 2 — Toothpaste for pets!
Apply Oxyfresh Pet Gel daily to the gums and teeth. Brushing on the Gel with the Oxyfresh Triple•Pet Toothbrush will produce optimum results. For very small dogs and cats, use a Q-tip. Pet Gel further helps freshen breath and has a phenomenal healing affect with continued use. Formulated with aloe to soothe, plus Oxygene® to cleanse and deodorize gums, Pet Gel is an important part of your home pet dental care program.

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