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Using Social Bookmarking to Find Information

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Because of the internet, it’s possible to gather huge amounts of information quickly. You can utilize search engines to gather this information, but it’s not necessarily the best choice. Social bookmarking is an excellent method of gathering information quickly, but not everyone understands social bookmarking.

I’m sure you have found websites that you thought were useful and have bookmarked it in whatever browser you use. That’s the way that social bookmarking works, except that instead of saving the bookmark to your web browser, you save it to a site on the Internet set up to save your bookmarks. Saving it to a social bookmarking site allows you to share your links with friends and family who might also enjoy the resource.

When you bookmark a site in this fashion, you can create public tags that identify the type of content that other users can expect. There are also websites that gather tags and rank sites based on user comments and tags. Tags can be a more useful and meaningful way to search than search engines when looking for information.

Some of the more well-known social bookmarking sites like digg, reddit, stubleupon, and are used widely to bookmark and find information based on tags. As sites that are submitted to these bookmarking sites get more recommendations from their users, they move to the top of listings. So based on user popularity, for any topic there may be numerous listings, some with many recommendations and others with only a few. Obviously, the ones with the most recommendations will be the most useful of the listings.

You can also browse through information using categories on social bookmarking sites. There is often a way to sort the listings by most popular, recently added, or by the niche or type of site that it is, such as technology, sports, news, etc.

While social bookmarking began as a simple way to share links with friends and family, it has grown over the years and has become a very useful way to search for information. People often use these sites to stay current on topics that interest them. It’s easy to follow news and trends just by clicking on the categories that interest you and checking out the listings that will be shown from most popular to least popular.

Social bookmarking sites make finding information easier than searching through page after page of results that are often irrelevant in traditional search engines.

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